Poems by R.M. Usatinsky
pōəˈmäɡrəfē, noun: form or process of writing and representing poetry
I'm going in with an open mind;
there have been many challenges
of late, ones I didn't anticipate or
plan well enough in advance to
handle in a manner fitting of the
circumstance; the moon floating
outside my window is trying to
tell me something, but I can't be
distracted, not now anyway; I am
looking for ways to quiet the music
in my head, it's been there for days,
Rush's Spirit of the Radio; context:
I've been listening to Geddy Lee's
audiobook memoir––nearly at the
end after close to a month––and I've
been re-visiting the music and the
videos and I just can't seem to shake
the songs from my head and carry
them around with me all day and all
night, tapping out beats with my feet
and fingers, humming tunes, recalling
the stories and remembering Neil, who
will be gone three years in about a month
from now; they played Amsterdam for the
last time on June 2, 2013, eighteen days
before my fiftieth birthday, concert posters
plastered all over The Hague; I decided it
would be my birthday present to myself, but
I had other obligations and the tickets were
priced just north of my comfort zone, so I
never made it to the concert; of course, a
decade later, I regret not finding the means to
go; and as I listen, as I hang on every one of
Geddy's words, anecdotes and recollections, I
am reminded how much we have in common,
how much alike we are and that is comforting
I finally dreamed about you;
though I can't say I actually
willed it to happen, it was a
very welcomed surprise, and
when I woke up this morning,
I was pleased and well rested;
in the dream, you cut your hair
quite short, which suited you;
we walked for a bit, ended up
together at the beach with your
daughter, who caught you as you
stole a kiss from me; there was a
giant of a man who handed you a
twenty euro note because he had, in
his words, unintentionally offended
you, but you walked over to him and
handed the note back saying that no
offense was taken; we spent the rest
of the day at the beach, though I was
anxious about how the day would end
How many times have you told
me to behave? treated me with
such disdain and disrespect and
never as an equal in anything;
but now I know, and it's taken
me years to learn, that it's part
of who you are, part of who you
have become; and this behavior,
sadly enough, is not assimilated
but learned, passed down from
we both know where and exactly
who; and when you tell me and
your daughters to behave, you
are commanding us to surrender
control, to let you have your way
and last say; to be naïve to your
manipulation and not challenge
what you say or do; you are the
problem, you are the disease we
all suffer from with no remedy
You'll be left in a cloud of dust;
one that will surround you in a
unyielding billow of darkness,
blanketing you in confusion and
never ending sorrow; and when
I'm gone, you'll ask yourself what
you could have possibly done to
drive me away; and that's one of
the saddest parts of the story; the
part where you got lost, tangled
up in your own web of turmoil,
thinking you knew better, were
better, deserved better, but still
refusing to try and be a better
person, one with compassion and
kindness, one who listened and
heard, supported and nurtured;
a person who, at the very least,
could have been as nice to us as
you were to all those strangers
Here we go again, 'tis the season
of gift giving and jolly making and
spending hard-earned money on
useless, trivial things that, in the
days and weeks to come will be
forgotten and discarded, destined
for trash liner bags taking their
pride of place in the basement as
they await their final destiny once
the spring rolls around and our
annual rummage dump is made;
there are surely better gifts to be
gifted, useful gifts, mindful gifts;
it's easy to fall into the consumer
trap, cheap and only a mouse-click
on Monday and voila! the parcel's
on our doorstep on Wednesday; and
what example are we setting for our
children? god only knows; what they
need most we never seem able to give
I can do my own laundry
make my own bed
prepare my own breakfast
iron my own dress shirts
I can cook risotto
make an awesome omelette
bake challah
poach eggs
I can clean the floors
and the bathrooms
organize the linens
do the dishes
I can change diapers
bathe a newborn
care for small children
warm a bottle/feed a baby
I am self-sufficient
I can take care of myself
I can care for others
I can swim
07DEC23 | ART
I have many musical heroes;
Art is one of them; but there
comes a time when artists or
their handlers should realize
that the show is over, that by
dragging these aging stars of
yesterday through the mud of
public performance is perhaps
the most cruel and merciless
form of exploitation there is;
I understand maybe in Art's
case he wanted to take part
in the performance honoring
his late, great friend, gone now
as many years as he was alive,
but when he schleped himself
slowly out onto the stage (to a
roaring round of applause) with
cane in hand and appearing to be
half in the otherworld, I was sad
I try never to place blame on others,
instead, trying to discover why people
behave the way they do, act in such
oftentimes diabolical ways doing what
I feel are reprehensible acts, loathsome
and unforgivable; it's been a year since
she locked me out and you had the power
to unlock the door and let the turmoil out
and bring things from a boil to a simmer;
but you chose not to, decided, for whatever
reason, to look the other way, to take some
depraved pleasure from seeing me in so
much pain; and you let it fester for days,
months and nearly a year; and it will go
on and things will never be the same again
and one day you will realize the thing you
did didn't only hurt me, but it hurt the one
you loved the most, the one who you thought
you were helping, protecting; but like most
things, your madness is unpredictable and vile
I imagine you'll never see this
and maybe that's a good thing;
because it's scathing and raw
and you deserve to see what
you've done; and by the time
you see this, if you ever do, it
will too late to undo the pain
you caused, too late to ask for
forgiveness, and even too late
to regret or to conceal yourself
behind the innocence of youth
or shift the blame on others even
though others were complicit; I
pity you and at the same time I
feel sorry about what you will
have to endure; you and I were
so close that I would have never
in a million years come to believe
what came to pass and what came
between us, tearing us apart forever
To live in a home where there is no
affection, no empathy, no kindness
and little communication can hardly
be blamed on me; I have tried to
be the catalyst of love, caring and
support; hugging, talking, listening
and fostering an air of inclusion and
unity; but I've swum against the tide,
walked with my face against the wind,
been beaten down at every crossroads
and yet they haven't broken my will;
they haven't turned my heart to ice or
forced me to retreat from their torment,
and I remain steadfast in my love for
them though they know not what love
is; and today a sad milestone has come
and gone; three hundred and sixty-five days
I have agonized over silence and betrayal; a
year of rejection, pain and spite as I became a
persona non grata, unloved, unwanted and alone
It's never my intention to dominate
the conversation; my only (poor)
excuse is that I have so much to say;
maybe repressed emotions or caused
by the fact that I don't have many
people to talk to with whom I share
things in common; so, when I do
stumble upon a kindred spirit, I
become a blabbermouth, impossible
to stop once I get going; it's not that
I don't have any interest in what you
have to say––I really do––but if you
asked a question, you'll get a can of
worms answer, and more likely than
not, my reply will jettison from one
place to another, from topic to topic
until neither of us can remember just
where the whole thing started; poor Rick,
asked me about my book over breakfast;
two hours later and my pancakes were cold
Here we are, a million years on,
yet, we are still barbarians, seething
with violence that we enact on others to
vent our rage, frustration and indifference;
those young, brown-skinned, skin-faded
adolescents I see on nearly every tram ride
I take into town exemplify the primal instincts
of testosterone-charged behavior; swinging from
grab handles like gorillas; taking pot shots
and judo kicks, roughhousing and causing a
commotion, passing threatening gazes to any
passenger who dares to look their way; these boys
are savages; they are the future of our society,
at least the ones who will make it into adulthood;
but what kind of society will there be amongst all
this violence? stabbings, shootings, beatings and every
brutality imaginable; I loathe to think of my own
young daughters being caught up one day in such a
fray, being rendered helpless in an act of someone else's
hostility; I too felt bloodthirsty on my tram ride home tonight
Life's been a whirlwind of late,
work and family and creative
projects have zapped my energy;
and today my GP upped my meds
which has left me feeling out of
sorts; and it's been rainy and gray,
both outside and in; Chanukah
candles the only source of brightness
lately; there are undesirable noises
and distractions and concerns about
things I have very little control over
(though I should); there is uncertainty
and doubt, fear and incongruity; and
of course there is longing and despair,
wondering about how things will pan
out, curious to see how one scene segues
into the next; but mostly, I need a rest,
some time to look at the clouds, walk
amongst the trees, get myself grounded
and back to feeling like the old me again
I've been imagining as of late, that
there is a real possibility that I may
be killed someday for merely being
a Jew; having been born a Jew to a
Jewish mother who was also born to
a Jewish mother; I believe what we
are witnessing in the Middle East at
the moment is just a dry run, that the
extremist movements are designing
our extinction and will carry their
jihad to all corners of the earth in
what is their final solution to the
Jewish problem; and I am told not
to live in fear, not to stay away from
shul or community events because if
I do, they will win; that's a hard pill
to swallow because we've seen it all
before; seen the complacency and the
complicity of those who refuse to see
the forest for the trees and turn away
I had every good intention of coming home
and writing a poem about you; about our
encounter, the lunch table and the stories we
shared; and your resemblance to her was ever
so delightfully uncanny and for a moment I
found myself lost in conversation with her;
but then I awoke from my daydream and
discovered a kindred spirit, someone whose
path I would probably never cross as we are
so different and from such contrasting places;
but there we were, united by a secret power,
brought together in a glimmer of light whose
lifeforce emanated deep within and shone far
above the horizon, beyond the depths of the
Karun and higher than the highest heights of
Damavand; I had intended to glorify your name
in these lines but arrived home to the somber
news that someone who I have known for some
years is dying and then I realized I had made you
cry and absentmindedly forgot to say khodafez
I have to constantly remind myself
to keep breathing (and not through
my mouth but through my nose); I
read a Victorian treatise once at the
Newberry Library while doing some
research for a graduate school paper
written by American lawyer, painter
and traveler John Catlin, who wrote
an odd book titled, Shut Your Mouth
and Save Your Life in 1862; the book
was based on the author's observations
of Native Americans whose habit of
nose breathing, Catlin claimed, led to
their living longer and healthier lives;
I've mostly been a mouth-breather my
entire life, though over the past decade
or so I have been more acutely aware of
and focused on trying to breathe through
my nose; and while it's a constant challenge,
it's one I hope has been making a difference
There have been a lot of conversations lately
about the existence of extraterrestrial life; what
I find most curious is how people these days,
when asked, strongly believe that if there is
life beyond our planet, it is certainly hostile
and something to fear; I realize that popular
culture––films, books and television––has,
with some of exceptions, of course, made
these Martians and other beings into monsters
with laser beam eyes and highly advanced
spaceships wielding atomic bomb-strength
weaponry that could destroy Manhattan in
the blink of an eye; having never seen or been
abducted by aliens myself or experienced a UFO
sighting, my only real belief in these otherworld
entities are what my imagination can conjure up;
and as a departure from popular opinion and folklore,
I prefer to imagine our possible interstellar neighbors
as benevolent beings, highly advanced, nonviolent
and eager to help us save ourselves from ourselves
It's not that I never liked you,
it was simply a matter of physics,
that two things cannot occupy the
same space at the same time; we
were just mismatched, culturally
incompatible and unable, perhaps
even undesirous, of wanting to
tolerate each other's shortcomings;
and now you're dying and I am
heartbroken because your family
will mourn you, miss you and I
will remain forever a rival, a
stranger in your house, in your
life by virtue of circumstance;
I am deeply and sincerely sorry
that you are ill, that your upcoming
birthday may be your last; and I
hope and pray that whatever time
you have left is spent gloriously,
free from pain and in good company
These days,
cold, rainy,
remind me
of Spanish
winter; after
a large mid-
day meal, I
would go to
bed, heater
on; bundled
up, deeply I
slept, waking
up in the cold
darkness of the
late afternoon;
then she would
come over and
make love to me,
her warmth like
a blazing fire
I wouldn't necessarily call
myself an impulse buyer
and almost never fall for
these gimmicky gadgets
they sell on social media
feeds; but today, I fell
victim to one such sell;
and what I bought was a
grey silicone backsplash
protector; it seems we have
somewhat of a backsplash
problem in our kitchen as
the fawcett has a spot in the
middle where, if the handle
is set in a certain place, a
small leak will occur and
water will accumulate on the
backsplash leading to someone
placing/leaving a paper towel to
soak up the water; cost me 30 euros
Howie's dying, and he's taking
us all for the ride; he posted a
photo after a long absence from
social media; he'd been sick and
it was pretty bad; he didn't have
to say was it cancer, it was pretty
obvious from his appearance as
well as his mentioning that quite
a few of his internal organs had
been removed (and another photo
revealed some pretty dramatic scars);
a few days later, another photo, clean
shaven and gaunt and on his way to a
rehab center; then another week or so
of radio silence; he came back again
with a series of hopeful, enthusiastic
posts about his continued recovery and
prognosis; then, yesterday, after another
absence, he posted a blunt image: sickly,
lank and bearded; his message was dismal,
slightly cryptic and conveyed a sense that
he knew he probably didn't have long to
live; I have a surgical consultation on
January 25th...hope I'm there, he added
The girls are on a train heading south,
they'll spend Christmas (and probably
New Years) with their mother's family,
as they do every year, though this year
may be the last they'll spend with their
Opa, who is said to be battling terminal
cancer, though he has started his first
round of chemo and seems to be doing
well; I can't remember the last time I
spent Christmas down south, two or
three years ago perhaps; I never felt
truly welcome or accepted by that
family and Opa and I never really got
on all that well, especially after a row
we had at the breakfast table one morning
after I had been sick in the bathroom all
night waking up the house, as he put it; but
that's all in the past and now, I'm home, in a
home that was never mine to call home; I'm
alone and there is nothing but painful silence
It's taken me more than six months, but
I've finally found pillow cases that fit my
new pillow (yes, the one that I paid 130
euros for...on sale!); it's a small pillow,
small by European standards (pillows are
huge here!); I remember when I first went
to Spain in 1987 how shocked I was to see
these elongated bolsters that people slept on
that went across the entire bed and were even
shared by two people; but my new, Swiss-made
pillow is roughly the size and thickness of pillows
I recall from my childhood and ones I used my
whole life before moving abroad; and as the pillow
is not a standard size, it's been challenging finding
ones that fit; I bought one made by the manufacturer,
which cost a fortune (30 euros, I think), but it didn't
wash well; but today, a set of two, white, 300-count,
cotton pillow cases arrived from Amazon Prime (free
delivery, of course!) and they are of excellent quality
and fit my pillow like a glove; these are days of glory!
Joy and triumph seem to be on short supply
these days; 'tis the season and so few are
jolly (fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la); I used to
think that all the world's problems were only
amplified under a looking glass of social media
and the 24-hour news cycle; I used to say there
have always been wars and crime and political
upheaval, social unrest, poverty and the like;
but I've changed that manner of thinking lately
and have come to the conclusion that things now
are as bad––if not worse––than they've ever been;
that we're on the eve of an apocalypse of biblical
proportion; we're killing each other, killing our
planet and killing ourselves and there doesn't
seem to be any way of stopping it; and there is
so little love spread so very thinly across this
existence of ours, here, today; so few moments
of bliss and way too many of agony and despair;
and though my message is doleful, I do have a
little bit of hope left that humanity will prevail
How could you have sleepwalked
through these last fifteen years of
your life; traipsed around in a stupor
of resentment, trudging through a
quagmire of foolish pride while you
denied even the most basic love and
compassion to those you vowed to
care for and cherish; yours were all
broken promises (and lies?); you only
did what you did for yourself, for how
your life would look to others; to put
on a face to replace the one you were
never really happy with from the start;
and we've all suffered the consequences
of your inner conflicts, insecurities and
unfulfilled ambitions; and the worst part
of it all is that you have been blessed
with so many gifts that you simply put
away in closets, just like you do with
all of your gaudy, matronly shmattes
There are fine lines that separate
intuition, desire and reality; what
feels to be true, what we want to
be true, and what really is the truth;
It has been many years since I got
that phone call at the bank where I
was working in L.A.; I recall that
moment so clearly, smokey Tamara
walked up to me and said I had a
personal call; I picked up the phone
behind the teller line, Homaun and
Deborah staring at me with grins
that said, who would be calling him
during work hours? a girl, maybe?;
it was Nancy and she was calling to
tell me she was pregnant, that I didn't
have to worry about a thing, that she
didn't want anything from me only to
thank me for coming into her life and
giving her the most special gift of all;
so, what does all that have to do with
intuition? maybe nothing, but I have
lived the past thirty-six years of my
life feeling a part of me was missing
How did you think ours could ever
be a proper family? I suppose it was
something you never really gave any
consideration; I mean, how could you
have? look at the way you managed
things; you knew a dozen years ago
that by not putting my name on the
deed to our home, I would never be
in a position to own a property of my
own; you knew that, you had to know
that; and you also knew a dozen years
ago that by not entering into a civil
partnership, choosing as you did, the
inconsequential cohabitation agreement,
(go ahead, say that out loud a couple of
times); by doing that, you knew if we
ever broke up, I would be entitled to
nothing, no share of the apartment, no
spousal support, nothing, nada; how
did you ever think that was right?
I'll be happy when this is all over;
when I will no longer feel the need
to air my grievances on these pages,
ones I had hoped would be used to
convey creative nuances and exploit
the beauty of language and express
the love I have for words and ideas,
nature and the endless possibilities
that the human condition is capable
of harnessing; but I have chosen to
use this ephemeral pastime not to
exalt the grandeur of poetry, but to
air dirty laundry and to get a dozen
years of anguish off my chest; you
could just call it therapy as I have
indeed found this healing in many
ways; and let's be honest, nobody,
or should I say hardly anyone, will
ever read these words so I guess it's
been a useful exercise for my soul
It's uncontrollable at times,
the floodgates of tears that
burst from my soul then
explode from the ducts
within my eyes; these can
be derived from the most
innocuous of sources as it
appears my sensibilities are
susceptible to a wide array
of provocations, mostly TV
shows these days; however,
I happen to think these fits
of emotion are cathartic and,
in their own way, useful to my
ongoing understanding of the
world around me and inside me;
I find myself becoming closer to
myself, knowing myself better than
I ever have before; and loving myself,
more than you could have ever loved me
It's taken a week, but I have finally grown
accustomed to the silence, the absence of
teasing, taunting, screaming and crying; but
that doesn't mean I don't miss them, it only
suggests that there has been mental stillness,
despite the slow, tedious tasks in which I've
been engaged: cleaning, editing, composing,
series binging and paying much too much
attention to the cat; and on this quiet Saturday
morning (well, quiet except for the random
shooting off of firecrackers) I will schlep bags
of recycling to their various containers, buy
some white asparagus and two baguettes for
my traditional New Year's Eve cheese fondue
accompanied by deviled eggs, Cava and an
assortment of chocolates to be eaten after
the twelve grapes I will eat, one upon each
of the twelve strokes of midnight, as I watch
the festivities, as I have done every New Year's
Eve since 1992, on Spain's La 1 television channel
Let's be honest, Kyle Schwarber had a rotten year;
hitting .197, he was dead last in the batting average
ranking; on a brighter note, his 47 home runs earned
him second best in that category; and if we're going
to be honest, despite a pretty dismal year behind the
plate, our boy Kyle still brought home a paycheck of
twenty million bucks; not bad for a shitty year...but
on the other hand, he went to work every day (played
160 games of the 162-game season) and turned in
some great defensive plays from left field, all while
doing the thing he loves most and has dedicated his
entire life to doing...playing baseball; and much like
Kyle, I also went to bat every day: I walked, tried
to eat well, meditate; I worked behind the barber
chair or sitting at my computer writing; I cleaned
the house, picked up the kids up from school and
did the day-to-day things that make my life, well, my
life; while I didn't knock anything out of the ballpark,
I worked hard and did my best and will try to do better
next year; now, I'll reflect and focus on what's to come